Welp, guess that means the end of the fight! (finally).
13 Pages to go until the end of Chapter 1. Dang. I really gotta get onto revising Chapter 2 thumbnails haha.
Please comment and/or share if you’re enjoying the comic so far! I put a lot of work into this every week and it means a lot to see any sort of response.
Thanks! See you next Saturday!
Oh hey, that works! I’m glad they were able to get something in (and give Odessa a rest. :P)
Looking forward to seeing what happens from here!
I figured they deserved a little bit of payback haha I’m sure Odessa appreciates it.
Thanks for reading!
Heh! Odessa is not the only one who can save herself in that group, it seems!
When people work together, anything can get done!